HttpModule has some events which will be execute every time when the request is processed. But HttpHandler is just executed only on the specific URL.
HttpModule has the following events.
· BeginRequest
· AuthenticateRequest
· AuthorizeRequest
· PreRequestHandlerExecute
· PostRequestHandlerExecute
· EndRequest.
Web.config entry for HttpModule
<add name="CustomHttpModule" type=" MyNameSpace. CustomHttpModule, MyAssembly "/>
Web.config entry for HttpHandler.
<add verb="*" path="*.raj" type="MyNameSpace.CustomHttpHandler, MyAssembly"/>
On the current scenario the httphandler will execute only when the URL has the *.raj request.
The HttpHandler should be implemented on IHttpHandler, IHttpAsyncHandler interface of dotnet and HttpModule should be implemented on IHttpModule interface.
There is 2 interface in dotnet for synchronous and asynchronous calls of handler the IHttpHandler and IHttpAsyncHandler